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Pala Practical Shooters • Reservation Shooting Club
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USPSA Match Scores

Match results for May 28th, 2011

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4th Saturday Match - 5/28/2011
Overall [ Combined ]
Open [ 7 entrants ]
Limited [ 12 entrants ]
Limited 10 [ 1 entrants ]
Production [ 9 entrants ]
Single Stack [ 9 entrants ]
Revolver [ 1 entrants ]
Total Competitors = 39
Final Standings
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Banta, AntonioA29001AOpenMajorNoNoNo505.9940100.00%
2 Buccellato, JimTY16393MOpenMajorNoNoNoSenior475.3424 93.94%
3 Rogers, KenTY57620BOpenMajorNoNoNoSenior471.2216 93.13%
4 White, SterlingTY38773MLimitedMajorNoNoNo443.1673 87.58%
5 Zolezzi, MichaelTY63347BLimitedMajorNoNoNo439.1059 86.78%
6 DeSalme, CharlesA55599BLimitedMajorNoNoNo433.8516 85.74%
7 Kelso, RickTY53638BLimitedMajorNoNoNo403.8536 79.81%
8 Mar, CrisCLimitedMajorNoNoNo396.9555 78.45%
9 Orr, GaryL1350BProductionMinorNoNoNoSenior386.3970 76.36%
10 Magana, VictorTY60373BProductionMinorNoNoNo382.9382 75.68%
11 Pajimula, PanfiloL3040BLimitedMajorNoNoNo382.3652 75.57%
12 Czoka, LarryFY27761BLimitedMajorNoNoNoSenior363.3040 71.80%
13 Wilson, BrianCLimitedMajorNoNoNo357.8081 70.71%
14 Cameron, GordonA45256CLimitedMinorNoNoNo349.6837 69.11%
15 Morris, DavidFY62295COpenMajorNoNoNo345.9196 68.36%
16 Chinchilla, EdA51774UOpenMajorNoNoNo344.6759 68.12%
17 Vicente, ArnelULimitedMajorNoNoNo326.8733 64.60%
18 Gaynor, BrianTY63071CLimitedMajorNoNoNo326.0691 64.44%
19 Cooper, JasonA66603UProductionMinorNoNoNo298.4685 58.99%
20 Stragier, DanielTY46745CSingle StackMajorNoNoNo294.8506 58.27%
21 Rodrigues, JackUOpenMinorNoNoNo280.5897 55.45%
22 Levis, JohnA54827URevolverMinorNoNoNo274.2378 54.20%
23 Rogers, PamelaTY70359DOpenMajorYesNoNoSenior269.7950 53.32%
24 Giampaoli, AndyUProductionMinorNoNoNo256.9790 50.79%
25 Hurst, BrianA66303DProductionMinorNoNoNo256.7169 50.74%
26 Carter, KevinUProductionMinorNoNoNo252.7623 49.95%
27 Harrington, VernA70744DProductionMinorNoNoNo236.2831 46.70%
28 Wooten, JayA66203ULimitedMajorNoNoNo233.9389 46.23%
29 Bowles, CraigTY37447CSingle StackMajorNoNoNoSenior231.8007 45.81%
30 Renaud, MichaelA71808USingle StackMajorNoNoNo227.4109 44.94%
31 Lim, MarvinA72266USingle StackMajorNoNoNo226.1391 44.69%
32 Tenenhaus, MayerUSingle StackMinorNoNoNo222.7788 44.03%
33 Sarte, SonnyA72431USingle StackMajorNoNoNo213.7772 42.25%
34 Hill, JeffreyA72521USingle StackMajorNoNoNo205.2613 40.57%
35 Vallejo, FernelUSingle StackMajorNoNoNo195.3490 38.61%
36 Bergeron, ChrisUSingle StackMinorNoNoNo187.2093 37.00%
37 Sioson, FrancesULimited 10MajorNoNoNo168.3365 33.27%
38 Cohenca, IlanUProductionMinorNoNoNo136.7049 27.02%
39 Nielsen, CalineUProductionMinorNoNoNo107.0912 21.16%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Banta, AntonioA29001AOpenMajorNoNoNo528.5907100.00%
2 Buccellato, JimTY16393MOpenMajorNoNoNoSenior499.5625 94.51%
3 Rogers, KenTY57620BOpenMajorNoNoNoSenior493.4911 93.36%
4 Morris, DavidFY62295COpenMajorNoNoNo367.5679 69.54%
5 Chinchilla, EdA51774UOpenMajorNoNoNo362.2433 68.53%
6 Rodrigues, JackUOpenMinorNoNoNo294.1808 55.65%
7 Rogers, PamelaTY70359DOpenMajorYesNoNoSenior283.9400 53.72%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 White, SterlingTY38773MLimitedMajorNoNoNo487.7899100.00%
2 Zolezzi, MichaelTY63347BLimitedMajorNoNoNo476.4667 97.68%
3 DeSalme, CharlesA55599BLimitedMajorNoNoNo475.4842 97.48%
4 Kelso, RickTY53638BLimitedMajorNoNoNo442.6999 90.76%
5 Mar, CrisCLimitedMajorNoNoNo433.4464 88.86%
6 Pajimula, PanfiloL3040BLimitedMajorNoNoNo418.5824 85.81%
7 Czoka, LarryFY27761BLimitedMajorNoNoNoSenior402.0499 82.42%
8 Wilson, BrianCLimitedMajorNoNoNo391.1153 80.18%
9 Cameron, GordonA45256CLimitedMinorNoNoNo382.4257 78.40%
10 Gaynor, BrianTY63071CLimitedMajorNoNoNo367.8448 75.41%
11 Vicente, ArnelULimitedMajorNoNoNo365.2220 74.87%
12 Wooten, JayA66203ULimitedMajorNoNoNo260.3267 53.37%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Sioson, FrancesULimited 10MajorNoNoNo550.0000100.00%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Orr, GaryL1350BProductionMinorNoNoNoSenior497.1118100.00%
2 Magana, VictorTY60373BProductionMinorNoNoNo478.2663 96.21%
3 Cooper, JasonA66603UProductionMinorNoNoNo385.6115 77.57%
4 Hurst, BrianA66303DProductionMinorNoNoNo337.8868 67.97%
5 Carter, KevinUProductionMinorNoNoNo330.9512 66.57%
6 Giampaoli, AndyUProductionMinorNoNoNo329.3107 66.24%
7 Harrington, VernA70744DProductionMinorNoNoNo315.2852 63.42%
8 Cohenca, IlanUProductionMinorNoNoNo172.8303 34.77%
9 Nielsen, CalineUProductionMinorNoNoNo136.4823 27.46%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Stragier, DanielTY46745CSingle StackMajorNoNoNo537.4781100.00%
2 Bowles, CraigTY37447CSingle StackMajorNoNoNoSenior424.7016 79.02%
3 Renaud, MichaelA71808USingle StackMajorNoNoNo413.1260 76.86%
4 Lim, MarvinA72266USingle StackMajorNoNoNo411.4053 76.54%
5 Tenenhaus, MayerUSingle StackMinorNoNoNo409.6356 76.21%
6 Sarte, SonnyA72431USingle StackMajorNoNoNo393.0713 73.13%
7 Hill, JeffreyA72521USingle StackMajorNoNoNo372.9696 69.39%
8 Vallejo, FernelUSingle StackMajorNoNoNo365.9309 68.08%
9 Bergeron, ChrisUSingle StackMinorNoNoNo339.9444 63.25%
PlaceNameUSPSAClassDivisionPFLadyMilLawAgePointsMatch %
1 Levis, JohnA54827URevolverMinorNoNoNo550.0000100.00%
Stage 1
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Rogers, Ken28BOpen98017.22 5.6911100.0000100.00%
2 Banta, Antonio1AOpen99019.19 5.1589 90.6486 90.65%
3 White, Sterling36MLimited96019.35 4.9612 87.1747 87.17%
4 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited97019.66 4.9339 86.6950 86.70%
5 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen99021.14 4.6831 82.2881 82.29%
6 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited99021.16 4.6786 82.2091 82.21%
7 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen95020.84 4.5585 80.0988 80.10%
8 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited100022.21 4.5025 79.1148 79.11%
9 Cooper, Jason9UProduction96021.43 4.4797 78.7141 78.71%
10 Orr, Gary24BProduction94023.24 4.0448 71.0724 71.07%
11 Mar, Cris21CLimited90022.30 4.0359 70.9160 70.92%
12 Wilson, Brian37CLimited98025.16 3.8951 68.4420 68.44%
13 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen94024.54 3.8305 67.3068 67.31%
14 Kelso, Rick17BLimited94024.72 3.8026 66.8166 66.82%
15 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited92024.99 3.6815 64.6887 64.69%
16 Magana, Victor20BProduction98027.23 3.5990 63.2391 63.24%
17 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited98027.30 3.5897 63.0757 63.08%
18 Wooten, Jay38ULimited97027.22 3.5636 62.6171 62.62%
19 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack97027.35 3.5466 62.3184 62.32%
20 Czoka, Larry10BLimited94026.69 3.5219 61.8843 61.88%
21 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited94028.38 3.3122 58.1996 58.20%
22 Morris, David22COpen96029.39 3.2664 57.3949 57.39%
23 Levis, John18URevolver98030.46 3.2173 56.5321 56.53%
24 Hurst, Brian16DProduction94029.87 3.1470 55.2969 55.30%
25 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction96030.66 3.1311 55.0175 55.02%
26 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack921026.43 3.1025 54.5149 54.51%
27 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen99032.51 3.0452 53.5081 53.51%
28 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack100036.39 2.7480 48.2859 48.29%
29 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack100038.56 2.5934 45.5694 45.57%
30 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack100038.81 2.5767 45.2760 45.28%
31 Carter, Kevin6UProduction94037.33 2.5181 44.2463 44.25%
32 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack931036.25 2.2897 40.2330 40.23%
33 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack96043.30 2.2171 38.9573 38.96%
34 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack851038.57 1.9445 34.1674 34.17%
35 Harrington, Vern14DProduction883030.24 1.9180 33.7017 33.70%
36 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 1099053.08 1.8651 32.7722 32.77%
37 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack100054.50 1.8349 32.2416 32.24%
38 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction94060.36 1.5573 27.3638 27.36%
39 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction851048.85 1.5353 26.9772 26.98%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Rogers, Ken28BOpen98017.22 5.6911100.0000100.00%
2 Banta, Antonio1AOpen99019.19 5.1589 90.6486 90.65%
3 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen99021.14 4.6831 82.2881 82.29%
4 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen95020.84 4.5585 80.0988 80.10%
5 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen94024.54 3.8305 67.3068 67.31%
6 Morris, David22COpen96029.39 3.2664 57.3949 57.39%
7 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen99032.51 3.0452 53.5081 53.51%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited96019.35 4.9612100.0000100.00%
2 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited97019.66 4.9339 99.4497 99.45%
3 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited99021.16 4.6786 94.3038 94.30%
4 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited100022.21 4.5025 90.7543 90.75%
5 Mar, Cris21CLimited90022.30 4.0359 81.3493 81.35%
6 Wilson, Brian37CLimited98025.16 3.8951 78.5112 78.51%
7 Kelso, Rick17BLimited94024.72 3.8026 76.6468 76.65%
8 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited92024.99 3.6815 74.2058 74.21%
9 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited98027.30 3.5897 72.3555 72.36%
10 Wooten, Jay38ULimited97027.22 3.5636 71.8294 71.83%
11 Czoka, Larry10BLimited94026.69 3.5219 70.9889 70.99%
12 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited94028.38 3.3122 66.7621 66.76%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 1099053.08 1.8651100.0000100.00%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Cooper, Jason9UProduction96021.43 4.4797100.0000100.00%
2 Orr, Gary24BProduction94023.24 4.0448 90.2918 90.29%
3 Magana, Victor20BProduction98027.23 3.5990 80.3402 80.34%
4 Hurst, Brian16DProduction94029.87 3.1470 70.2502 70.25%
5 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction96030.66 3.1311 69.8953 69.90%
6 Carter, Kevin6UProduction94037.33 2.5181 56.2114 56.21%
7 Harrington, Vern14DProduction883030.24 1.9180 42.8154 42.82%
8 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction94060.36 1.5573 34.7635 34.76%
9 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction851048.85 1.5353 34.2724 34.27%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack97027.35 3.5466100.0000100.00%
2 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack921026.43 3.1025 87.4781 87.48%
3 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack100036.39 2.7480 77.4827 77.48%
4 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack100038.56 2.5934 73.1236 73.12%
5 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack100038.81 2.5767 72.6527 72.65%
6 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack931036.25 2.2897 64.5604 64.56%
7 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack96043.30 2.2171 62.5134 62.51%
8 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack851038.57 1.9445 54.8272 54.83%
9 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack100054.50 1.8349 51.7369 51.74%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 1: Schoolhouse Steel (Minimum rounds: 20, Maximum points: 100)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Levis, John18URevolver98030.46 3.2173100.0000100.00%
Stage 3
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited118014.81 7.9676125.0000100.00%
2 Mar, Cris21CLimited116017.43 6.6552104.4104 83.53%
3 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited121018.19 6.6520104.3602 83.49%
4 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen118018.15 6.5014101.9975 81.60%
5 Kelso, Rick17BLimited115018.33 6.2739 98.4283 78.74%
6 Banta, Antonio1AOpen1161017.66 6.0023 94.1673 75.33%
7 Rogers, Ken28BOpen1161017.90 5.9218 92.9044 74.32%
8 Morris, David22COpen111018.98 5.8483 91.7513 73.40%
9 Czoka, Larry10BLimited114019.59 5.8193 91.2963 73.04%
10 Orr, Gary24BProduction1141017.97 5.7874 90.7958 72.64%
11 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited120021.09 5.6899 89.2662 71.41%
12 Wilson, Brian37CLimited121022.03 5.4925 86.1693 68.94%
13 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited119022.32 5.3315 83.6434 66.91%
14 Harrington, Vern14DProduction121024.09 5.0228 78.8004 63.04%
15 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited118024.06 4.9044 76.9429 61.55%
16 Magana, Victor20BProduction113023.50 4.8085 75.4383 60.35%
17 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen117024.83 4.7120 73.9244 59.14%
18 Carter, Kevin6UProduction115025.91 4.4384 69.6320 55.71%
19 Wooten, Jay38ULimited115028.48 4.0379 63.3487 50.68%
20 Cooper, Jason9UProduction99025.49 3.8839 60.9327 48.75%
21 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen120031.09 3.8598 60.5546 48.44%
22 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack120031.36 3.8265 60.0322 48.03%
23 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited121031.72 3.8146 59.8455 47.88%
24 Hurst, Brian16DProduction119031.75 3.7480 58.8006 47.04%
25 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack120033.07 3.6287 56.9290 45.54%
26 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen111030.64 3.6227 56.8349 45.47%
27 Levis, John18URevolver121034.06 3.5526 55.7351 44.59%
28 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited122035.51 3.4357 53.9011 43.12%
29 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack125037.55 3.3289 52.2256 41.78%
30 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack1171032.48 3.2943 51.6828 41.35%
31 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack1122029.93 3.0738 48.2234 38.58%
32 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction113039.84 2.8363 44.4974 35.60%
33 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack125044.53 2.8071 44.0393 35.23%
34 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack122044.87 2.7190 42.6571 34.13%
35 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack1052032.40 2.6235 41.1589 32.93%
36 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 101171042.28 2.5307 39.7030 31.76%
37 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction1032059.62 1.3922 21.8416 17.47%
38 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack1023067.62 1.0648 16.7052 13.36%
39 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction1170140.97 0.8300 13.0215 10.42%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen118018.15 6.5014125.0000100.00%
2 Banta, Antonio1AOpen1161017.66 6.0023115.4040 92.32%
3 Rogers, Ken28BOpen1161017.90 5.9218113.8562 91.08%
4 Morris, David22COpen111018.98 5.8483112.4431 89.95%
5 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen117024.83 4.7120 90.5959 72.48%
6 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen120031.09 3.8598 74.2109 59.37%
7 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen111030.64 3.6227 69.6523 55.72%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited118014.81 7.9676125.0000100.00%
2 Mar, Cris21CLimited116017.43 6.6552104.4104 83.53%
3 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited121018.19 6.6520104.3602 83.49%
4 Kelso, Rick17BLimited115018.33 6.2739 98.4283 78.74%
5 Czoka, Larry10BLimited114019.59 5.8193 91.2963 73.04%
6 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited120021.09 5.6899 89.2662 71.41%
7 Wilson, Brian37CLimited121022.03 5.4925 86.1693 68.94%
8 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited119022.32 5.3315 83.6434 66.91%
9 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited118024.06 4.9044 76.9429 61.55%
10 Wooten, Jay38ULimited115028.48 4.0379 63.3487 50.68%
11 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited121031.72 3.8146 59.8455 47.88%
12 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited122035.51 3.4357 53.9011 43.12%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 101171042.28 2.5307125.0000100.00%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Orr, Gary24BProduction1141017.97 5.7874125.0000100.00%
2 Harrington, Vern14DProduction121024.09 5.0228108.4857 86.79%
3 Magana, Victor20BProduction113023.50 4.8085103.8571 83.09%
4 Carter, Kevin6UProduction115025.91 4.4384 95.8634 76.69%
5 Cooper, Jason9UProduction99025.49 3.8839 83.8870 67.11%
6 Hurst, Brian16DProduction119031.75 3.7480 80.9517 64.76%
7 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction113039.84 2.8363 61.2602 49.01%
8 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction1032059.62 1.3922 30.0696 24.06%
9 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction1170140.97 0.8300 17.9269 14.34%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack120031.36 3.8265125.0000100.00%
2 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack120033.07 3.6287118.5385 94.83%
3 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack125037.55 3.3289108.7449 87.00%
4 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack1171032.48 3.2943107.6147 86.09%
5 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack1122029.93 3.0738100.4116 80.33%
6 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack125044.53 2.8071 91.6993 73.36%
7 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack122044.87 2.7190 88.8214 71.06%
8 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack1052032.40 2.6235 85.7017 68.56%
9 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack1023067.62 1.0648 34.7837 27.83%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 3: Cantina Star (Minimum rounds: 25, Maximum points: 125)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Levis, John18URevolver121034.06 3.5526125.0000100.00%
Stage 4
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Banta, Antonio1AOpen113013.54 8.3456115.0000100.00%
2 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen108015.85 6.8139 93.8936 81.65%
3 White, Sterling36MLimited1121016.42 6.2119 85.5982 74.43%
4 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen114019.20 5.9375 81.8171 71.15%
5 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited111019.16 5.7933 79.8300 69.42%
6 Czoka, Larry10BLimited114020.91 5.4519 75.1256 65.33%
7 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited1051017.49 5.4317 74.8473 65.08%
8 Kelso, Rick17BLimited114021.16 5.3875 74.2382 64.55%
9 Rogers, Ken28BOpen1002014.95 5.3512 73.7380 64.12%
10 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited108020.48 5.2734 72.6660 63.19%
11 Orr, Gary24BProduction107020.39 5.2477 72.3118 62.88%
12 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited104021.06 4.9383 68.0484 59.17%
13 Mar, Cris21CLimited1011019.04 4.7794 65.8588 57.27%
14 Morris, David22COpen109023.01 4.7371 65.2759 56.76%
15 Hurst, Brian16DProduction107023.14 4.6240 63.7174 55.41%
16 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen113025.10 4.5020 62.0363 53.94%
17 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited101023.73 4.2562 58.6492 51.00%
18 Wilson, Brian37CLimited108025.88 4.1731 57.5041 50.00%
19 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited1022019.77 4.1477 57.1541 49.70%
20 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen107026.80 3.9925 55.0155 47.84%
21 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack108027.28 3.9589 54.5525 47.44%
22 Magana, Victor20BProduction1002020.46 3.9101 53.8801 46.85%
23 Carter, Kevin6UProduction105027.12 3.8717 53.3509 46.39%
24 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack111029.63 3.7462 51.6216 44.89%
25 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction107029.08 3.6795 50.7025 44.09%
26 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack1051026.48 3.5876 49.4361 42.99%
27 Cooper, Jason9UProduction107029.95 3.5726 49.2294 42.81%
28 Wooten, Jay38ULimited1021025.79 3.5673 49.1564 42.74%
29 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack108030.76 3.5111 48.3820 42.07%
30 Harrington, Vern14DProduction105031.72 3.3102 45.6136 39.66%
31 Levis, John18URevolver99030.66 3.2290 44.4947 38.69%
32 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack115036.29 3.1689 43.6665 37.97%
33 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack112036.06 3.1059 42.7984 37.22%
34 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 10115038.01 3.0255 41.6905 36.25%
35 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack109036.31 3.0019 41.3653 35.97%
36 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack1032030.59 2.7133 37.3885 32.51%
37 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack114048.67 2.3423 32.2762 28.07%
38 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction981044.44 1.9802 27.2866 23.73%
39 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction981058.99 1.4918 20.5566 17.88%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Banta, Antonio1AOpen113013.54 8.3456115.0000100.00%
2 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen108015.85 6.8139 93.8936 81.65%
3 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen114019.20 5.9375 81.8171 71.15%
4 Rogers, Ken28BOpen1002014.95 5.3512 73.7380 64.12%
5 Morris, David22COpen109023.01 4.7371 65.2759 56.76%
6 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen113025.10 4.5020 62.0363 53.94%
7 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen107026.80 3.9925 55.0155 47.84%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited1121016.42 6.2119115.0000100.00%
2 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited111019.16 5.7933107.2505 93.26%
3 Czoka, Larry10BLimited114020.91 5.4519100.9302 87.77%
4 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited1051017.49 5.4317100.5563 87.44%
5 Kelso, Rick17BLimited114021.16 5.3875 99.7380 86.73%
6 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited108020.48 5.2734 97.6257 84.89%
7 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited104021.06 4.9383 91.4220 79.50%
8 Mar, Cris21CLimited1011019.04 4.7794 88.4803 76.94%
9 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited101023.73 4.2562 78.7944 68.52%
10 Wilson, Brian37CLimited108025.88 4.1731 77.2560 67.18%
11 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited1022019.77 4.1477 76.7858 66.77%
12 Wooten, Jay38ULimited1021025.79 3.5673 66.0409 57.43%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 10115038.01 3.0255115.0000100.00%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Orr, Gary24BProduction107020.39 5.2477115.0000100.00%
2 Hurst, Brian16DProduction107023.14 4.6240101.3320 88.11%
3 Magana, Victor20BProduction1002020.46 3.9101 85.6873 74.51%
4 Carter, Kevin6UProduction105027.12 3.8717 84.8458 73.78%
5 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction107029.08 3.6795 80.6339 70.12%
6 Cooper, Jason9UProduction107029.95 3.5726 78.2913 68.08%
7 Harrington, Vern14DProduction105031.72 3.3102 72.5409 63.08%
8 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction981044.44 1.9802 43.3948 37.73%
9 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction981058.99 1.4918 32.6918 28.43%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack108027.28 3.9589115.0000100.00%
2 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack111029.63 3.7462108.8214 94.63%
3 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack1051026.48 3.5876104.2143 90.62%
4 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack108030.76 3.5111101.9921 88.69%
5 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack115036.29 3.1689 92.0517 80.04%
6 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack112036.06 3.1059 90.2217 78.45%
7 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack109036.31 3.0019 87.2006 75.83%
8 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack1032030.59 2.7133 78.8172 68.54%
9 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack114048.67 2.3423 68.0402 59.17%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 4: Carry a Big Stick (Minimum rounds: 23, Maximum points: 115)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Levis, John18URevolver99030.66 3.2290115.0000100.00%
Stage 5
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited89018.55 4.7978 90.0000100.00%
2 Banta, Antonio1AOpen86018.20 4.7253 88.6400 98.49%
3 Rogers, Ken28BOpen89019.44 4.5782 85.8806 95.42%
4 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited86019.24 4.4699 83.8491 93.17%
5 Kelso, Rick17BLimited89020.10 4.4279 83.0612 92.29%
6 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited86020.12 4.2744 80.1817 89.09%
7 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen86020.33 4.2302 79.3526 88.17%
8 Harrington, Vern14DProduction86021.01 4.0933 76.7846 85.32%
9 Mar, Cris21CLimited88021.63 4.0684 76.3175 84.80%
10 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited87021.51 4.0446 75.8710 84.30%
11 Magana, Victor20BProduction90022.39 4.0197 75.4039 83.78%
12 Cooper, Jason9UProduction82021.82 3.7580 70.4948 78.33%
13 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited86023.86 3.6044 67.6135 75.13%
14 Wilson, Brian37CLimited90025.94 3.4695 65.0830 72.31%
15 Morris, David22COpen88026.48 3.3233 62.3404 69.27%
16 Orr, Gary24BProduction86026.05 3.3013 61.9278 68.81%
17 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen821023.13 3.1128 58.3918 64.88%
18 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited87029.52 2.9472 55.2853 61.43%
19 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack84029.32 2.8649 53.7415 59.71%
20 Wooten, Jay38ULimited89032.05 2.7769 52.0907 57.88%
21 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen851027.90 2.6882 50.4269 56.03%
TIE Gaynor, Brian12CLimited90033.48 2.6882 50.4269 56.03%
23 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack83031.88 2.6035 48.8380 54.26%
24 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction86033.99 2.5302 47.4630 52.74%
25 Czoka, Larry10BLimited811028.78 2.4670 46.2775 51.42%
26 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack88036.52 2.4096 45.2007 50.22%
27 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack83035.19 2.3586 44.2440 49.16%
28 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack88038.49 2.2863 42.8878 47.65%
29 Levis, John18URevolver86038.94 2.2085 41.4284 46.03%
30 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack85038.56 2.2044 41.3515 45.95%
31 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack88040.15 2.1918 41.1151 45.68%
32 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack87040.56 2.1450 40.2372 44.71%
33 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack88042.62 2.0648 38.7328 43.04%
34 Carter, Kevin6UProduction78039.47 1.9762 37.0707 41.19%
35 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen79046.52 1.6982 31.8559 35.40%
36 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 1089059.73 1.4900 27.9503 31.06%
37 Hurst, Brian16DProduction813040.90 1.2469 23.3901 25.99%
38 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction82067.31 1.2182 22.8517 25.39%
39 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction753058.71 0.7665 14.3785 15.98%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Banta, Antonio1AOpen86018.20 4.7253 90.0000100.00%
2 Rogers, Ken28BOpen89019.44 4.5782 87.1983 96.89%
3 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen86020.33 4.2302 80.5701 89.52%
4 Morris, David22COpen88026.48 3.3233 63.2969 70.33%
5 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen821023.13 3.1128 59.2877 65.88%
6 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen851027.90 2.6882 51.2006 56.89%
7 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen79046.52 1.6982 32.3446 35.94%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 White, Sterling36MLimited89018.55 4.7978 90.0000100.00%
2 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited86019.24 4.4699 83.8491 93.17%
3 Kelso, Rick17BLimited89020.10 4.4279 83.0612 92.29%
4 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited86020.12 4.2744 80.1817 89.09%
5 Mar, Cris21CLimited88021.63 4.0684 76.3175 84.80%
6 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited87021.51 4.0446 75.8710 84.30%
7 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited86023.86 3.6044 67.6135 75.13%
8 Wilson, Brian37CLimited90025.94 3.4695 65.0830 72.31%
9 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited87029.52 2.9472 55.2853 61.43%
10 Wooten, Jay38ULimited89032.05 2.7769 52.0907 57.88%
11 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited90033.48 2.6882 50.4269 56.03%
12 Czoka, Larry10BLimited811028.78 2.4670 46.2775 51.42%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 1089059.73 1.4900 90.0000100.00%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Harrington, Vern14DProduction86021.01 4.0933 90.0000100.00%
2 Magana, Victor20BProduction90022.39 4.0197 88.3817 98.20%
3 Cooper, Jason9UProduction82021.82 3.7580 82.6277 91.81%
4 Orr, Gary24BProduction86026.05 3.3013 72.5862 80.65%
5 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction86033.99 2.5302 55.6319 61.81%
6 Carter, Kevin6UProduction78039.47 1.9762 43.4510 48.28%
7 Hurst, Brian16DProduction813040.90 1.2469 27.4158 30.46%
8 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction82067.31 1.2182 26.7847 29.76%
9 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction753058.71 0.7665 16.8532 18.73%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack84029.32 2.8649 90.0000100.00%
2 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack83031.88 2.6035 81.7882 90.88%
3 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack88036.52 2.4096 75.6969 84.11%
4 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack83035.19 2.3586 74.0947 82.33%
5 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack88038.49 2.2863 71.8234 79.80%
6 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack85038.56 2.2044 69.2506 76.95%
7 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack88040.15 2.1918 68.8548 76.51%
8 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack87040.56 2.1450 67.3846 74.87%
9 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack88042.62 2.0648 64.8651 72.07%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 5: Shaky Bridge (Minimum rounds: 18, Maximum points: 90)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Levis, John18URevolver86038.94 2.2085 90.0000100.00%
Stage 6
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Combined divisions - These are NOT official results.
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen111016.72 6.6388120.0000100.00%
2 Rogers, Ken28BOpen114017.36 6.5668118.6986 98.92%
3 Banta, Antonio1AOpen111017.07 6.5026117.5381 97.95%
4 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited105016.50 6.3636115.0256 95.85%
5 Magana, Victor20BProduction104016.35 6.3609114.9768 95.81%
6 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited107018.27 5.8566105.8613 88.22%
7 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited104018.99 5.4766 98.9926 82.49%
8 Orr, Gary24BProduction102020.42 4.9951 90.2892 75.24%
9 Czoka, Larry10BLimited107021.80 4.9083 88.7203 73.93%
10 Kelso, Rick17BLimited982017.34 4.4983 81.3093 67.76%
11 Wilson, Brian37CLimited118026.46 4.4596 80.6097 67.17%
12 Mar, Cris21CLimited112025.48 4.3956 79.4529 66.21%
13 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited106024.98 4.2434 76.7018 63.92%
14 Levis, John18URevolver108025.67 4.2072 76.0475 63.37%
15 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited1001022.53 3.9947 72.2064 60.17%
16 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack108027.11 3.9838 72.0094 60.01%
17 Morris, David22COpen1051024.83 3.8260 69.1571 57.63%
18 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited992022.74 3.4741 62.7963 52.33%
19 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen109031.86 3.4212 61.8401 51.53%
20 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction114034.75 3.2806 59.2987 49.42%
21 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack114035.56 3.2058 57.9466 48.29%
22 Hurst, Brian16DProduction991028.98 3.0711 55.5118 46.26%
23 White, Sterling36MLimited864015.01 3.0646 55.3943 46.16%
24 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack113036.90 3.0623 55.3528 46.13%
25 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack104035.65 2.9173 52.7318 43.94%
26 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen991031.54 2.8218 51.0056 42.50%
27 Carter, Kevin6UProduction104038.79 2.6811 48.4624 40.39%
28 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen1023026.97 2.6696 48.2545 40.21%
29 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction94036.76 2.5571 46.2210 38.52%
30 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack922029.85 2.4121 43.6000 36.33%
31 Cooper, Jason9UProduction733019.88 2.1630 39.0974 32.58%
32 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack903028.02 2.1413 38.7052 32.25%
33 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack973036.26 1.8478 33.4000 27.83%
34 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack854026.28 1.7123 30.9508 25.79%
35 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 10822042.74 1.4506 26.2204 21.85%
36 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction82063.62 1.2889 23.2976 19.41%
37 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack716029.12 0.3777 6.8271 5.69%
38 Wooten, Jay38ULimited696024.19 0.3721 6.7259 5.60%
39 Harrington, Vern14DProduction626026.13 0.0765 1.3828 1.15%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Buccellato, Jim4MOpen111016.72 6.6388120.0000100.00%
2 Rogers, Ken28BOpen114017.36 6.5668118.6986 98.92%
3 Banta, Antonio1AOpen111017.07 6.5026117.5381 97.95%
4 Morris, David22COpen1051024.83 3.8260 69.1571 57.63%
5 Rogers, Pamela29DOpen109031.86 3.4212 61.8401 51.53%
6 Rodrigues, Jack27UOpen991031.54 2.8218 51.0056 42.50%
7 Chinchilla, Ed7UOpen1023026.97 2.6696 48.2545 40.21%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Zolezzi, Michael39BLimited105016.50 6.3636120.0000100.00%
2 DeSalme, Charles11BLimited107018.27 5.8566110.4394 92.03%
3 Pajimula, Panfilo25BLimited104018.99 5.4766103.2736 86.06%
4 Czoka, Larry10BLimited107021.80 4.9083 92.5570 77.13%
5 Kelso, Rick17BLimited982017.34 4.4983 84.8256 70.69%
6 Wilson, Brian37CLimited118026.46 4.4596 84.0958 70.08%
7 Mar, Cris21CLimited112025.48 4.3956 82.8889 69.07%
8 Cameron, Gordon5CLimited106024.98 4.2434 80.0189 66.68%
9 Vicente, Arnel35ULimited1001022.53 3.9947 75.3291 62.77%
10 Gaynor, Brian12CLimited992022.74 3.4741 65.5120 54.59%
11 White, Sterling36MLimited864015.01 3.0646 57.7899 48.16%
12 Wooten, Jay38ULimited696024.19 0.3721 7.0168 5.85%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Sioson, Frances31ULimited 10822042.74 1.4506120.0000100.00%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Magana, Victor20BProduction104016.35 6.3609120.0000100.00%
2 Orr, Gary24BProduction102020.42 4.9951 94.2338 78.53%
3 Giampaoli, Andy13UProduction114034.75 3.2806 61.8894 51.57%
4 Hurst, Brian16DProduction991028.98 3.0711 57.9371 48.28%
5 Carter, Kevin6UProduction104038.79 2.6811 50.5796 42.15%
6 Cohenca, Ilan8UProduction94036.76 2.5571 48.2403 40.20%
7 Cooper, Jason9UProduction733019.88 2.1630 40.8055 34.00%
8 Nielsen, Caline23UProduction82063.62 1.2889 24.3154 20.26%
9 Harrington, Vern14DProduction626026.13 0.0765 1.4432 1.20%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Stragier, Daniel32CSingle Stack108027.11 3.9838120.0000100.00%
2 Renaud, Michael26USingle Stack114035.56 3.2058 96.5651 80.47%
3 Hill, Jeffrey15USingle Stack113036.90 3.0623 92.2426 76.87%
4 Lim, Marvin19USingle Stack104035.65 2.9173 87.8749 73.23%
5 Bergeron, Chris2USingle Stack922029.85 2.4121 72.6573 60.55%
6 Sarte, Sonny30USingle Stack903028.02 2.1413 64.5002 53.75%
7 Tenenhaus, Mayer33USingle Stack973036.26 1.8478 55.6594 46.38%
8 Bowles, Craig3CSingle Stack854026.28 1.7123 51.5779 42.98%
9 Vallejo, Fernel34USingle Stack716029.12 0.3777 11.3771 9.48%
Pala Practical Shooters
Match Date: 5/28/2011
Stage 6: Golden Bullet Standards (Classifier: CM06-06, Minimum rounds: 24, Maximum points: 120)
PlaceNameNo.ClassDivisionPtsPenTimeHit FactStg PtsStg %
1 Levis, John18URevolver108025.67 4.2072120.0000100.00%
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Antonio Banta
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Sterling White
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Jim Buccellato
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Cris Mar
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Michael Zolezzi
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Jim Buccellato
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Ken Rogers
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Antonio Banta
As:1785 pts
Bs:28 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Jim Buccellato
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Michael Zolezzi
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Victor Magana
As:1785 pts
Bs:26 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Rick Kelso
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Sterling White
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:110 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Antonio Banta
As:20100 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Ed Chinchilla
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Ken Rogers
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Charles DeSalme
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:1040 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for David Morris
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:36 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Larry Czoka
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:36 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Brian Gaynor
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Gary Orr
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Ken Rogers
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Charles DeSalme
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Brian Wilson
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Panfilo Pajimula
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:48 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Larry Czoka
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Arnel Vicente
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Rick Kelso
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Ken Rogers
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Gordon Cameron
As:23115 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Charles DeSalme
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Gary Orr
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Antonio Banta
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Vern Harrington
As:23115 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Gary Orr
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:721 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Sterling White
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Panfilo Pajimula
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Michael Zolezzi
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Larry Czoka
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Panfilo Pajimula
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Victor Magana
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Sterling White
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Cris Mar
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:624 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for David Morris
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:624 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Antonio Banta
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Ed Chinchilla
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Ed Chinchilla
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Charles DeSalme
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Brian Hurst
As:1995 pts
Bs:412 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Ken Rogers
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Jim Buccellato
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Brian Gaynor
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Pamela Rogers
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Rick Kelso
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:624 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Jason Cooper
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Charles DeSalme
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Brian Wilson
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Kevin Carter
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:515 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Rick Kelso
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Cris Mar
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:832 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Panfilo Pajimula
As:1470 pts
Bs:416 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Gordon Cameron
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:22 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Gordon Cameron
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:515 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Jim Buccellato
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for John Levis
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Brian Wilson
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Michael Zolezzi
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Vern Harrington
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Cris Mar
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Gary Orr
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Michael Zolezzi
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Jay Wooten
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Cris Mar
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Victor Magana
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Arnel Vicente
As:1260 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Jack Rodrigues
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Daniel Stragier
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Daniel Stragier
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Victor Magana
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:515 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:110 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Brian Wilson
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Jason Cooper
As:1365 pts
Bs:721 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Kevin Carter
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:515 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Pamela Rogers
As:22110 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Jack Rodrigues
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Daniel Stragier
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for David Morris
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Arnel Vicente
As:21105 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Rick Kelso
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Jason Cooper
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Brian Hurst
As:22110 pts
Bs:13 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Chris Bergeron
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Arnel Vicente
As:1680 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Andy Giampaoli
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Craig Bowles
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Jack Rodrigues
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:515 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Gordon Cameron
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Victor Magana
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Gordon Cameron
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Sonny Sarte
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Jason Cooper
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Jay Wooten
As:1680 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Jay Wooten
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for John Levis
As:23115 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Craig Bowles
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Larry Czoka
As:1470 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Fernel Vallejo
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Brian Gaynor
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Brian Wilson
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Brian Gaynor
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Pamela Rogers
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:832 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Mayer Tenenhaus
As:25125 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for David Morris
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Panfilo Pajimula
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:624 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Vern Harrington
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Gary Orr
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Fernel Vallejo
As:21105 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Andy Giampaoli
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for David Morris
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for John Levis
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for John Levis
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Michael Renaud
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:624 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Mayer Tenenhaus
As:23115 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Brian Hurst
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Andy Giampaoli
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Ed Chinchilla
As:1470 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Michael Renaud
As:20100 pts
Bs:28 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Daniel Stragier
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Marvin Lim
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Brian Hurst
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:824 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Sterling White
As:1260 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:36 pts

Misses:440 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Jeffrey Hill
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Pamela Rogers
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Frances Sioson
As:23115 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Craig Bowles
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Arnel Vicente
As:1575 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Marvin Lim
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:48 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Daniel Stragier
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Andy Giampaoli
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Jack Rodrigues
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:824 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Jeffrey Hill
As:25125 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Jay Wooten
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Mayer Tenenhaus
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Michael Renaud
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Marvin Lim
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Jack Rodrigues
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Brian Gaynor
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Kevin Carter
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Ed Chinchilla
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:330 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Sonny Sarte
As:1785 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Marvin Lim
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:12 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Fernel Vallejo
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Michael Renaud
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Ilan Cohenca
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:927 pts
Ds:22 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Frances Sioson
As:21105 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Andy Giampaoli
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Kevin Carter
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Larry Czoka
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Chris Bergeron
As:1365 pts
Bs:13 pts
Cs:824 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Mayer Tenenhaus
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Sonny Sarte
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Jeffrey Hill
As:22110 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Sonny Sarte
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Fernel Vallejo
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Marvin Lim
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:416 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for John Levis
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Jeffrey Hill
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:520 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Chris Bergeron
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Jason Cooper
As:525 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:1648 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:330 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Craig Bowles
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:312 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Sonny Sarte
As:630 pts
Bs:416 pts
Cs:1144 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:330 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Michael Renaud
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Ilan Cohenca
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Kevin Carter
As:1470 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:22 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Chris Bergeron
As:1575 pts
Bs:13 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Vern Harrington
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:330 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Frances Sioson
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Mayer Tenenhaus
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:330 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Jeffrey Hill
As:20100 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:00 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Craig Bowles
As:945 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:936 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:440 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Pamela Rogers
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:28 pts
Ds:36 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Caline Nielsen
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:13 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 1 Score Detail
for Ilan Cohenca
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 4 Score Detail
for Caline Nielsen
As:1680 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Frances Sioson
As:1785 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:14 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Frances Sioson
As:630 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:1040 pts
Ds:612 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Ilan Cohenca
As:1995 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:22 pts

Misses:220 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Caline Nielsen
As:840 pts
Bs:13 pts
Cs:1236 pts
Ds:33 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Brian Hurst
As:1575 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:26 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:110 pts
Procedurals:110 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Caline Nielsen
As:1470 pts
Bs:13 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Chris Bergeron
As:1890 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:330 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 3 Score Detail
for Caline Nielsen
As:21105 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:412 pts
Ds:00 pts

Misses:00 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 5 Score Detail
for Ilan Cohenca
As:1365 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:39 pts
Ds:11 pts

Misses:110 pts
No shoots:220 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Fernel Vallejo
As:315 pts
Bs:624 pts
Cs:728 pts
Ds:24 pts

Misses:660 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Jay Wooten
As:525 pts
Bs:14 pts
Cs:832 pts
Ds:48 pts

Misses:660 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts
Stage 6 Score Detail
for Vern Harrington
As:840 pts
Bs:00 pts
Cs:618 pts
Ds:44 pts

Misses:660 pts
No shoots:00 pts
Procedurals:00 pts

     - click to launch a classifier calculator window (external site) with the division, classifier number, and hit factor pre-entered.
    Hit Factor - how USPSA stages are scored. Take your net points (Pts - Pen) and divide by your time.
    PF - power factor (major/minor).
    Lady - shooter is a female (Y/N).
    Mil - shooter is a member of the military (Y/N).
    Law - shooter is a member of law enforcement (Y/N).
    For - shooter is foreign (Y/N).
    Age - junior, senior, super senior.

    Within the scoresheet you can click on any classifier number (e.g. CM99-08) to view the course of fire (PDF).